2025-01-29 11:06 王绪迪    (点击: )



[1] 马越峰,刘冰冰. 数字经济如何影响碳排放强度——基于技术创新和产业链高质量发展链式中介效应的实证[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)451-460470.

MA Yuefeng, LIU Bingbing. How the digital economy affects carbon emission intensity: based on the empirical evidence of the chain mediation effect of technological innovation and high-quality development of the industrial chain[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 451-460, 470.

[2] 周柏旭,吴金卓,王卉. 考虑消费者低碳偏好和碳税政策的三级纸制品供应链协调机制研究[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)461-470.

   ZHOU Baixu, WU Jinzhuo, WANG Hui. Coordination mechanism for three-level paper product supply chain in consideration of consumer low-carbon preferences and carbon tax policies[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 461-470.

[3] 谈晓勇,陈猛. 西部陆海新通道物流业碳排放效率研究[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)471-481.

   TAN Xiaoyong, CHEN Meng. Study on carbon emission efficiency of logistics industry in the New Western Land-sea Corridor[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 471-481.

[4] 董淑敏,刘凯. 黄河流域绿色创新的空间关联网络及其形成机制研究[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)482-493.

    DONG Shumin, LIU Kai. Spatial correlation network and driving mechanism for green innovation in the Yellow River Basin[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 482-493.

[5] 周雨,富仁杰,徐蔼彦,唐大波,朱轶韵. 绿色体育馆能耗及碳排放分析[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)494-502.

   ZHOU Yu, FU Renjie, XU Aiyan, TANG Dabo, ZHU Yiyun. Energy consumption and carbon emission analysis of green gymnasium[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 494-502.

[6] 汤青慧,李军,张微生. 既有住宅绿色改造风险网络构建及关键风险研究——基于可持续性视角[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)503-511.

  TANG Qinghui, Ll Jun, ZHANG Weisheng. Construction of risk network for green renovation of existing residential buildings and research on key risks from the sustainability perspective[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 503-511.

[7] 占家权,李志勤. 碳限额下考虑公平关切的绿色建筑供应链决策研究[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)512-521.

   ZHAN Jiaquan, LI Zhiqin. Research on green building supply chain decision-making considering equity concerns in carbon caps[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 512-521.

[8] 董倩倩,王筱明. 山东省沿黄县区生态环境质量与经济发展耦合协调性研究[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)522-531602.

   DONG Qianqian, WANG Xiaoming. Coupling coordination of eco-environment quality and economic development in counties along the Yellow River in Shandong Province[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 522-531, 602.


[9] 李喜望,李昊,刘延辉. 不同工艺参数下Q235低碳钢组织演变及性能分析[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)532-537.

   LI Xiwang, LI Hao, LIU Yanhui. Microstructure evolution and property analysis of Q235 low carbon steel with process parameters[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 532-537.


[10] 刘俭辉,吴生磊. 基于临界距离理论的缺口件多轴疲劳寿命预测[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)538-544.

   LIU Jianhui, WU Shenglei. Multiaxial fatigue life prediction of notched parts based on the theory of critical distance[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 538-544.


[11] 苏宇,李京阳,熊昌安,岳松,杨文臣. 基于SHAP-RF模型的不同路面状态下山区高速公路路表温度实时估计[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)545-553.

   SU Yu, LI Jingyang, XIONG Chang'an, YUE Song, YANG Wenchen. SHAP-RF model based real-time estimation of road surface temperature of mountainous highways under different road conditions[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 545-553.


[12] 周超凡,王毅勇,田思婷,薛曌娜,黄榕. 基于DPSR模型的宝鸡市水环境评价及障碍因子诊断[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)554-561

   ZHOU Chaofan, WANG Yiyong, TIAN Siting, XUE Zhaona, HUANG Rong. Evaluation of water environment and diagnosis of obstacle factors in Baoji City based on DPSR modeling[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 554-561.


[13] 王小兰,余珂,侯兰功. 岷江上游农户生计资本与生计稳定性耦合协调分析[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)562-573.

   WANG Xiaolan, YU Ke, HOU Langong. Coupling and coordination analysis of livelihood capital and livelihood stability of farmers in the upper reaches of the Min River, China[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 562-573.

[14] 吕俊娜,朱游敏. 动态奖惩机制下道路PPP项目社会资本安全绩效投入行为演化研究[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)574-583.

   LÜ Junna, ZHU Youmin. Research on the evolution of safety performance investment behavior of the private sector in road PPP projects under dynamic premium-penalty mechanism[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 574-583.


[15] 闫建文,田婷,任劼,吴向男,刘一凡. 基于直觉模糊集修正Shapley值法的全过程工程咨询利益分配机制[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)584-593.

   YAN Jianwen, TAN Ting, REN Jie, WU Xiangnan, LIU Yifan. Benefit allocation mechanism for whole process engineering consulting by the intuitionistic fuzzy set modified Shapley value method[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 584-593.

[16] 张龙飞,胡再强,李宏儒,折海成,叶实拓,杨婷西. 纤维加筋黄土冻融循环后的工程力学特性研究[J]. 西安理工大学学报,202440(4)594-602.

   ZHANG Longfei, HU Zaiqiang, LI Hongru, SHE Haicheng, YE Shituo, YANG Tingxi. Study on engineering mechanical properties of fiber reinforced loess after freeze-thaw cycle[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2024, 40(4): 594-602.


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